Monday, April 25, 2011


Oak Ridge Explorations ( Andrew, Peter, Sara, Anniel, Lindsey and Beth) went on the best field trip ever to the Challenger Learning Center. Our mission was to find comet Encke.
I was the Isolation specialist. When we were in the orbiter I used robotic arms to pick up oxygen filters and bring them over to a geiger counter so I could record and send its readings to Mission Control. I had to leave my station twice to go take some tests with the Medical Team. We also had some emergencies. There was an explosion in the clean room where the probe was being built. There also was the time we only had five minutes of air left.
We also found a new comet. Later we had to dock and switch with Mission Control. When we were back we all decided to name the new comet Expo. Instead of searching for Comet Encke we decided to send the probe into Comet Expo. We met Wendy Lawrence, an astronaut who went on four shuttle missions.
In Mission Control my partner did most of the paper work but there were still things to do. I recorded the information my partner sent to me. Then there was another emergency. A meteor shower was approaching and it would block our probe’s path. Then we successfully launched our probe into comet Expo.
After we succeeded in our mission we went to Purdue University to eat lunch. After we ate we went outside to play for a little while. When we all got cold we went to the bus and drove back to school.

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