Monday, April 25, 2011


Our Expo Class went on a field trip to the Challenger Learning Center of northwest Indiana on April 12, 2011.
We had to apply for our jobs. My job was the Communications Officer. I got to communicate with everyone, both on the space shuttle and in Mission Control. Our commanders kept telling me that my job was the most important because if I was not there, nobody would know the impotant things.That made me happy but also a little bit worried because it’s hard to do the work when you know everyone is depending on you. But I got through it.
One thing that scared me on the the mission was that Annie put a part in the probe that I guess was wrong and it pretty much blew up. It didn’t completely blow up, but I have never seen that much smoke before.
There was a lot of emergencies, but Beth saved us with three minutes of air left. Since there were a lot of emergencies I had to talk A LOT!!! But I had lots of fun.
We talked with a REAL astronaught. Her name is Wendy Laurence. She went into space four times. She could have done a space walk, which means you actually get out of the space craft, but she said that she was too short to fit into the suit.
We also video chatted with NASA. The guy we talked to is Jerry Ross. He went into space seven times and has had MANY space walks.There is a college there called Purdue University. Jerry Ross went there and they are very proud of that. As you can see we had an awesome field trip. I would definitley recommend going there.

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