Tuesday, April 27, 2010


On April 20, 2010 I went to the Challenger Learning Center in Indiana. I was on the Life Support team. Here are some experiences I had:


The first thing I had to do was to change the oxygen pipe because the oxygen level was low. Then all of a sudden an alarm went off saying that there was only 5 minutes left until the oxygen ran out. At the two minute mark I grabbed one key to change the oxygen pipes. I made it!! I changed all the oxygen pipes in time.

Now I had to take ph levels from the tap water. I used a graduated cylinder, which is a lab cup for measuring liquids. I poured the tap water in the cylinder, added the chemical that needed to go inside, and put two drops of it in the water. The ph level was 6 so it was right on target. The 45 minute mark was up. Now I had to go to Mission Control.

The Navigation Team was looking for Comet Encke, but they found an unidentified object and decided to look at that instead. The unidentified object turned out to be a comet. We named the object New Explorations.

Mission Control: When I got to mission control I saw a bank of computers. I located the Life Support computer and began to get to work. My partner left a note saying he left off on page seven, so I looked at page 7 and saw that there was an emergency.
The emergency was that the ph level was low, so I had to tell my partner to turn off tap water at Station #1.

Lastly, the Navigation Team found the comet that they were loooking for, and the mission was over. We succeeded!!

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