Tuesday, April 27, 2010


For Ms.Dembek’s class we went on a field trip to the Challenger Learning Center in Indiana on April 20th , 2010. We all had a really great time there.

Our mission was to locate Comet Encke. We supposedly got on an orbiter and launched into space. On the orbiter we had all kinds of different jobs like Data, Communications, Life Support and more. I was on the Isolation team. My job was to measure the radioactivity of oxygen filters A-E. I had to use a robotic arm to pick up the filters and bring them to the sensor of a device that measures radioactivity called a Geiger Counter. It was pretty hard to use the robotic arm but it was also very fun and interesting.

In Mission Control my job, I would think, was the easiest of all. All I had to do was to answer some simple questions on a worksheet. Also my partner, from the orbiter, sent me radiation readings of the oxygen filters that they took and I had to find the average radiation readings for them to see if they were normal, which they were (thank godness).

During our mission on the spacecraft we also had a couple emergencies. The major one was that we were running out of air, but the Life Support team fixed the problem and we were saved.

In the end it turned out that instead of locating Comet Encke, we discovered a new comet and named it New Explorations. This was one of the best field trips I’ve ever been on.

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