Monday, April 26, 2010


Yesterday, we went to the Challenger Learning Center located at Purdue University in Indiana. I was placed on the Probe Team. My job was to put certain items on certain places on the motherboard. A motherboard receives signals from all components. Then I gave directions to my partner in Mission Control.

Our mission was to find Comet Enke and take pictures using the probe I was building, but we found an unidentified object. We tried to find out what it was, but the Navigation team took care of that.

After we found out that it was a comet, we flew into an asteroid shower. If we had launched the probe then, the mission could be failed and the probe would have been destroyed.

We needed to dock and then make a crew change. We went to the Mission Control, while Glen Oaks went on to the spaceship.

After we had the docking and returned to Earth, we went to a debriefing room to name the new comet we found. The group of astronauts named the comet “New Explorations”.
There were problems on our mission, including an asteroid shower. There were a lot of problems in Life Support like no oxygen, and contaminated tap water.
After we finished our mission, we went to have lunch at the Student Union. This was probably the best field trip ever.

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