Tuesday, April 27, 2010


When I went to the Challenger Space Center in Northwest Indiana on 4/20/10, I was on the Communications Team, or Com Team.

For the Com Team I had to communicate through a headset back and forth through Mission Control and the Orbiter (space shuttle).Sometimes this was very frustrating.

My other part of my job was to see if the officer of the ISO (Isolation) Team, LS (Life Support) Team, MED (Medical) Team, and REM (Remote) Team had new messages ever 10 minutes.

A few messages I sent were, “ Iso Team needs more chemicals”, and “We see an unidentified object”. Some messages I received were “Congratulations, we discovered a new comet.” And “Oxygen is running out in 5 minutes”.

Some people I worked with were my partner, the Data Team officer, the Iso Team officer, the Ls Team officer, the Med Team officer, the Rem Team officer, the Senator, and the Captain of the Mission.

This was one of my favorite field trips!

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