Tuesday, April 27, 2010


When I went to the Challenger Learning Center I was the Remote Team specialist. On the Remote Team I got to work with the robotic arm. The robotic arm is complicated to use, though. I had to use it to transport meteoroids to Mission Control. It was fun.

After that I had to work in the glovebox which is a self-contained mini- lab, used to protect delicate objects. I used gloves to touch meteoroids and put them in order by numbers in the glovebox.

When we switched jobs I had to fill out a worksheet and work on the computer to test plants to see which plant had something wrong with it. It had chlorophyll. Then I had to see what made it have chlorophyll.

Our mission in space was to rendezvous with Comet Encke, but instead we found an unidentified flying object in space. After careful testing we discovered that it was a newly discovered comet. Because comets are named after the people who find them, we named our new comet Comet New Explorations. We successfully launched a probe into the comet’s tail and brought back many different kinds of information to study when we got back to Earth.

The lunch at the University of Chicago Student Union and everything else was fun. I really liked this field trip.

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