Monday, April 25, 2011


On April 12, 2011,Oak Ridge and Glen Oaks Explorations went to the Challenger Learning Center of Northwest Indiana.
Everyone got their own jobs. I was on the Probe Team. My job was to build a Probe that would get shot into the tail of a comet. The Probe would gather dust from the comet and send us information about it.
Even though I made the probe and we finished the mission, there were still a few problems along the way. The first problem had to do with the air. Beth accidently incorrectly changed the oxygen tank, which left us with only 5 minutes of air. We had to do something quickly or we would all die. Luckily, the Life Support Team saved us with only 3 minutes of oxygen left.
The second problem was a power outage. When I plugged a piece into the probe, a bunch of smoke burst out of the airlock and all of the alarms went off! There was so much smoke that I couldn’t see! Luckily, it was only a power outage in the clean room, where I was working.
The third problem was that the Navigation Team found an unknown object! We were afraid that the unknown object was a supernova so we had to get off the spacecraft. Luckily, it was a comet! We got permission from NASA to go after that comet and the Navigation Team named it Comet Expo.
After that, we got to talk to a REAL astronaut named Wendy Lawrence! She gave us tips about how to do our jobs and she told us a lot about her space missions. The field trip was really fun and I hope we get to go there again soon!

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