Monday, April 28, 2008

Communications Officer - Amanda

My job on the Communications team was to give and receive messages. Tyler, who was on the data team, gave me notes from something like email. Then, I announced things on a giant intercom. I had a microphone, headset, desk and a camera so I could see people in the other room. Tyler had a desk and computer.
Inside it really did look like a spaceship would look like in movies like Star Wars. It was cool. It was also fun because everybody was so serious, but when something blew up, everyone acted like the talkative 5th graders we all are. And yes, something did blow up, twice.

When I said something, it went like this.

(Me) Mission Control, this is Orbiter, I have a message for the ____ team.
(Mission Control) Orbiter, this is Mission Control, we are ready to receive.
(Me) Mission Control, this is Orbiter, the message for the ____ team is _____.
(Mission Control) Orbiter, this is Mission Control, we acknowledge.

(This is a picture of a galaxy called NGC 4261 and is 45 million light years away!!!!!!!!)

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