Monday, April 28, 2008

Probe Specialists - Evan and Adrian

When we first got to the Challenger Learning Center, we were very nervous. Then when we got into the spacecraft, we felt calm. On our mission we had to build a probe and deploy it to comet Encke. A probe is a mechanical robot that collects high speed particles using aerogel.

Before we went into the spacecraft, we had to pass through an airlock. An airlock is a capsule that traps air from getting out of the spacecraft. Then we entered into the clean room. A clean room is a room that keeps particles away from the probe. Next, we had to build a probe from components and test cables. Later on, there was a minor explosion in the clean room which shut down the lights. Poison gases came out of the airlock. The Medical Team had to check us if we were ok or hurt.

The Navigation Team thought they have found a supernova. If the supernova would explode it would damage the spacecraft, so we had to dock on the space station. We discussed what the object can be. Some people had opinions of a comet, a planet, or a supernova. We ended up identifying it as a comet.

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