Monday, April 28, 2008

Navigators - Hannah & Justyna

We went to the Challenger Learning Center of Northwest Indiana. This was an amazing trip, and if you have a chance, you should go. We were on the Navigation Team. Our job was easier than we expected. We used a point-to-point headset, but it was hard to hear because of the noise level.

Our job was to triangulate stars, triangulate the comet we were rendezvousing with, and send the probe through the comet to collect data. When we were triangulating the stars we found an unknown object. We figured out it was a comet, and we named it Comet Teamwork ’09.

There was an emergency in the clean room because there was smoke in it. The Probe team was in there while it happened, so they needed to be checked by the medical team. This happened in the Orbiter.

In Mission Control we needed to launch a probe into the comet we discovered, Comet Teamwork ’09. It started to get a little pressuring because we weren’t ready when we were supposed to. Everything was a success and our mission was complete!

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