Monday, April 28, 2008

Life Support Team - Emily & Patrick

In the beginning we both thought that our job was going to be easy, but we were wrong.

The Orbiter: In the Orbiter we had to take water tests, test solar filters, and take measurements of ph levels. During Patrick’s medical test someone broke the air lock in the clean room. In the Orbiter the navigation team thought that they found a super nova, but it turned out to be a comet and the Navigation Team named the comet Teamwork. When we found the super nova (Comet Teamwork) the astronauts in the orbiter had to dock with the Mission Control space craft, and then we switched places with Mission Control.

Mission Control: In Mission Control we had to test results, watch what the orbiter was doing, send and receive messages, and help the students who were in the orbiter stay alive. We had an emergency on the orbiter; the students didn’t turn the water valve off in time and the master alarm went off. The master alarm also went off when there was a meteor shower. We had to use a special computer to send and receive messages and the mouse was very difficult to use. We had a successful mission. After the mission we ate at the Purdue University. We had lots of fun!!!!

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