Monday, April 28, 2008

Isolation Team - Amad & Jamie

We were on the ISO (isolation) team. We both started in the Orbiter and ended up in Mission Control. Amad thought his job would be easy and it was. Jamie thought that her job would be hard, but she was wrong. We both thought that the trip would be fun, and we were both right.

Jamie was working on the ISO 3. Her job in the Orbiter was to operate a robotic arm in order to test oxygen filters for their levels of radioactivity. It was a little hard because operating a robotic arm isn’t as easy as it sounds. After a little while, though, Jamie got the hang of it.

Amad was working on the ISO 1. His job in the Orbiter was to operate a robotic arm to pick up containers with radioactive materials inside and put them on a scale. The robotic arm was hard to control at first, but Amad got used it. Carrying the containers wasn’t as easy as it sounds. You can’t drop the containers or make them leak.

Amad’s job in Mission Control was to record and analyze data. He had a worksheet that had to be filled out with data sent from the Orbiter. The job wasn’t as dangerous as the job in the Orbiter. It also required simple math, and it was so simple, almost like writing a book report.

Jamie’s job in mission control was to average the amounts of radioactivity and find out if it was a dangerous amount. Jamie also had to record data that her partner gave her. Both of her jobs were fun and pretty easy.

This field trip was really fun for both of us. It was interesting to be in a spacecraft simulation. We had fun working with a robotic arm and doing other fun activities.

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